
Showing posts from November, 2018

Orange Spiced Espresso Chai Bundt Cupcakes

  This one is actually fairly easy since most of the flavor comes straight from the tea. That also means that it is super easy to switch up the flavor profile by simply switching up the tea choice! (If you know me at all, you know those are my favorite recipes - ones you can alter easily for endless variety) Second thing I would like to mention is that this is an alteration of Maria Emmerich's Apple Bundt Cake recipe. Which I linked here since I certainly cannot take credit for the full recipe. I will still post my version since I feel the cupcake as a whole is different enough to not be a complete rip-off. (I really do try my hardest not to steal credit for these things. I know how much work goes into the initial recipe creation and I do not want to deter people from going to the original source - they are the pros!) Last note, I am going with exact measurements I ended up using. They will seem like really odd number choices. This is due to me measuring with a measuring cup

In-N-Out Pizza!

You. Guys. I am incredibly pumped up for this recipe. I honestly wasn't even trying to create this when I first set out. It was a result of not having the ingredients on hand for the recipe I was actually planning to make. Pretty typical for me actually. What I did happen to have on hand was an extra yeast dough pizza crust (recipe from Soury, you can find it on her Instagram if you are interested), some ground beef, half of an onion, and all the necessary parts for a killer copy-cat In-N-Out spread! Clearly I had no choice but to create this masterpiece. First thing first, I will lay out the spread for you. While I did a little research first, pulling pieces from some recipe creating geniuses around the internet,  I didn't technically pull from one solo inspiration source (& I also had to keto-fy it all before it came together) so I feel comfortable calling this 'my own'. Second, I have to mention that none of the measurements will add up to one perfect

Chicken Bake: Sriracha Chili Lime

Okay. So to start this one off, I need to mention that I don't make the same exact version every time. I switch this one up often. That being said - the seasoning measurements are not going to be exact. If you realllyy need me to give specifics there, I can try and measure it out like a responsible adult next time and update the post. Moving right along, this recipe is almost fail-prool. I have made it about 100 times and have yet to have a real failure on my hands. Which we all know still happens to be in the kitchen more often than I would like to admit. THE INGREDIENTS: 3 Chicken Thighs / 13oz Chicken (This is also forgiving. I have used chicken breasts as well. I have also done this with more OR less chicken. Play around with it!) ¼ Cup Mayo ¼ Cup Sour Cream ¼ Cup Grated Parmesan Cheese (Plus a little shakes for the top before you pop it into the oven) 3.5oz Shredded Pepperjack Cheese (Play around with this as well. Different types of cheese, different amounts, e