Valentines Day Series: Box of Chocolates | Espresso Ganache

 I am trying my best to get all of the variations up on the blog for you guys as soon as possible. I am thinking the best way to go about this is to just give you the details for the fillings themselves, and then you can refer back to one of my previous posts for the chocolate work. Hopefully I can get it all in one location for you after I finish up all of the filling posts. In the meantime - bear with me?

Okay, moving right along. We're going to dive into the Espresso Ganache this morning! This particular mixture filled about 4 chocolates for me, but feel free to double the recipe if you plan to make a big batch! (It is super simple, I promise)

  • 37g Chocolate Ganache (mini step-by-step at the end of the post)
  • ¼ tsp Espresso Powder
  • ¼ tsp Water


  1. Make sure your ganache is at least at room temperature so that it can be easily mixed.
  2. In a separate bowl, add the espresso powder to the water and mix together thoroughly. (It may seem a little odd since it is 1:1. Just go with it.)
  3. Add little bit of the ganache into the espresso mix and whisk until it all comes together. 
  4. Continue this process until you run out of ganache and all of your filling has come together in one location. (If you do choose to do a bigger batch, I think you could add the ganache to the espresso, mix, repeat, and then add the espresso mixture back into the main ganache bowl to save time. I haven't tested this myself yet though!)
BONUS: Ganache Recipe

Full disclosure, this is not really 'my' recipe. It is just how ganache is made. There are a lot of variations when it comes to measurements, but I made mine 1:1 weight-wise (for another creation) and it worked out perfectly. I will give you the measurements I used - be sure to remember only 37g of this batch will be used for the filling listed above. (You could use the full batch, but you would need to adjust the espresso mixture to accommodate)

  • 40g Chocolate
  • 40g Heavy Whipping Cream

  1. Chop the chocolate up pretty finely and add to a small-ish bowl. 
  2. Heat the HWC over low heat until jusssstt warm. You do not want it to be boiling. (I have heard you can use the microwave, but I always overheat it this way so beware)
  3. Pour the warmed HWC over the chocolate and allow to sit for just a minute or two.
  4. Whisk chocolate mixture together. It may seem like the chunks are not going to melt - but just keep at it. It should definitely get there!


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